Thursday, August 28, 2008

Government Document and agency....

IFC is the Government that deals with Fraternities... this is Ohio University's chapter. 

Constitution of the Interfraternity Council of Ohio University

Revision completed: May 27, 2008

By: John Fouser - IFC Executive Vice President


We, the Interfraternity Council of Ohio University, being the supreme body of jurisdiction over the member fraternities, set forth this Constitution and By-Laws in order to cause closer friendship and coordination among the member fraternities.



Section 1 - This organization shall be known as the Interfraternity Council (IFC) of Ohio University.



Section 1 - Purpose

A. To promote the interests of Ohio University.

B. To promote the interests of college fraternities in general.

C. To insure cooperation between the IFC fraternities and the Ohio University administration to the end that the condition of the fraternities and their relations with the authorities may be improved.

D. To ensure cooperation among the fraternities of the campus.

E. To discuss questions of mutual interest and to present to the fraternities such recommendations as the Interfraternity Council sees fit.



Section 1 - Classes of membership as a recognized fraternity.

A. Full Membership

1. Full Membership is eligible to any undergraduate social fraternity with mutually exclusive lifetime membership at Ohio University, which is recognized by Ohio University.

2. This membership entitles the fraternity to all privileges and obligations contained within this Constitution and By-Laws.

B. Provisional Membership (Colony Membership)

1. Provisional Membership is eligible to any undergraduate social fraternity colony that is currently participating in the expansion process, as defined by the Ohio University Expansion policy.

2. This membership shall include all privileges and obligations entitled to Full Membership except the following:

a. Provisional members may not hold an IFC executive officer position

b. Provisional members may not vote on IFC Constitutional issues, but may vote on a proposed IFC By-Laws motions.

c. Provisional members may be included in the IFC website (, under a Colony external link during their Provisional Membership period.

d. Provisional members may not participate in the formal recruitment process but are allowed to begin their own formal recruitment after the conclusions of either IFC formal or informal recruitment each quarter.

3. Provisional membership shall expire upon acquiring Full Membership status or withdrawal of recognition by the Greek Life Expansion Committee and/or the Vice President for Student Affairs.

C. A three-fourths (3/4) vote of the IFC member fraternities is necessary for re-admission of a barred chapter to membership in the Interfraternity Council.


Section 2 - Exclusions

All honorary, professional, service, women’s fraternities shall be excluded from membership into IFC. As well as those currently associated within membership form of an N.P.H.C chapter or chapters council shall also be excluded from membership into IFC.


Section 3 - Representation

Each IFC-member fraternity shall be represented by a delegate, selected by their fraternity and registered with IFC. Alternate delegates may serve as a proxy for up to two IFC meetings each quarter.


Section 4 - Voting

Each IFC-member fraternity shall be entitled to one (1) vote, to be cast by the chapters’ delegate or proxy of that fraternity.


Section 5 - Requirements

All IFC-member fraternities shall participate in any and all IFC-sponsored programs and functions, and fulfill any and all obligations required of them for those programs and functions, as determined by the IFC at the time of the programs’ and functions’ initiation.



Section 1 - Positions

The IFC executive officers shall be: President, Executive Vice President, VP of

Administration and Finance, VP of Programming, VP of Community Service, VP of

Recruitment, VP of Scholastics and New Member Education, VP of Public Relations, VP of Risk Management, and VP of Athletics.


Section 2 - Elections

A. Elections shall take place the seventh week of Fall Quarter.

B. Applications will be available three (3) weeks before elections. The application deadline will be two (2) weeks after they are made available.

C. Candidates will sign up for an interview when turning in their application.

D. The current IFC Executive Board will interview candidates for all positions. If a current IFC Executive Board member is re-running for the next year’s council then he will not be in attendance at interviews.

E. The slate of new IFC executive officers for the next year’s council will be made available by the current IFC Executive Board and presented to the delegates at an IFC Delegates meeting. The IFC advisor will be present at the slating meeting.

F. The IFC Delegates Council will take the slate back to their respective chapters to vote on the slate. Chapters will have one week from the time the slate is released to vote individually.

G. At the next IFC Delegates Council (the united group of each chapters delegates makes up this council) meeting after the slate has been released, chapter delegates will report their chapter’s vote, with a vote of their own.

H. When voting for the Interfraternity Council slate, a ballot system will be used. There must be a 2/3 majority vote by the delegate chapters to pass the slate.

I. In the event the slate does not pass, there will not be a re-slating. Positions will be filled from delegate nominations at that meeting.

J. All candidates for an IFC executive position must have and maintain an accumulative grade point average of 2.5 to be considered for an office and be in good standing with University Judiciaries.

K. Officers will assume their office January 1st of the following year.

L. Participation in a Fall Quarter transition as well as a January officer retreat is a requirement to hold office.


Section 3 - Officers’ Duties and Responsibilities

(See external documentation.)


Section 4 - Removal from Office

The IFC Delegates Council may impeach any officer if one or all in question fail to fulfill the duties of their respective office. Impeachment proceedings require a petition stating the grounds for removal, signed by two-thirds (2/3) of the current Council. The IFC will remove said officer(s) by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of its membership.



Section 1 - Frequency

Regular meetings of the council shall be held weekly, unless the cancellation of a meeting is announced the week prior to the Delegates Council.


Section 2 - Special Meetings

A. Special meetings may be called by the President at any time, and must be called by the President at the request of any two (2) fraternities.

B. Notice of the special meetings shall be provided to the president of each fraternity.



Section 1 - Jurisdiction

In case of violation of the Constitution, By-Laws, and/or any rules/regulations of the Council, the alleged offending member fraternity shall be given a hearing before the IFC Judicial Board.


Section 2 - Financial Punishment

If a member fraternity of the Ohio University IFC has a debt of more than or equal to two hundred (200) dollars to the IFC, then that fraternity will face the IFC Judicial board and will be sanctioned with a notification of Bad Standing with IFC. This information will be forwarded to the Department of Campus Life for an appropriate action. Additional sanctions may also be applied depending on the judgment of the IFC Judicial Board.


Section 3 - Bad Standing

The results of a fraternity being placed on Bad Standing could result in:

1. All sophomores currently living in the chapter house being required to move back into Ohio University housing.

2. The loss of all voting privileges at the IFC delegate meetings.

3. The inability to participate in any IFC Programming or Athletic events. 



Section 1 - Process

This Constitution may be amended by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the entire Council, provided that the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing at a meeting, at least one (1) week before the vote is taken, and notice of such intended action is given to each fraternity.


By-Laws of the Interfraternity Council of Ohio University


Revision completed: May 8, 2008 

By: John Fouser - IFC Executive Vice President



Section 1 - Number

A quorum shall exist when two-thirds (2/3) of those fraternities eligible to vote are represented, and a body so constituted may enact any ruling for the Council, and may transfer all business which may come before the Council. In case of a tie, the IFC President shall cast the deciding vote.



Section 1 - Place

Meetings shall be held in places designated by the President, notice being given of the place one week in advance.



Section 1 - Laws

The possession, use, or consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises of any chapter or at any entertainment or function of any chapter shall be in compliance with all the applicable laws of the State of Ohio, the city of Athens, and Ohio University, as well as individual inter/national organizations. Members of all IFC chapters’ failure to follow all federal, state, local laws, and all applicable University policies and procedures, including the Student Code of Conduct, will result in sanctions deemed appropriate by those on the IFC Executive Board.


Section 2 - Controlled Substances

There shall be no possession, sale, and/or use of any illegal drugs or controlled substances at any chapter house, sponsored event, or at any event that an observer would associate with the fraternity.


Section 3 - Recruitment

No alcohol will be served. To, consumed by, or purchased for a rushee by any chapter member during a recruiting event that includes more than three (3) members of the chapter during the designated recruitment period. This includes both public and private functions.


Section 4 - Definition of an Event

Chapter events shall be defined as such if they meet one or more of the following conditions:

1. The event was communicated either formally or informally via chapter meetings, events, or the chapter house.

2. Forty percent of the chapter membership or twenty members (whichever is less) were present at the event.

3. The event was announced at governing body meetings.

4. The event was registered with the inter/national organization.

5. The executive officers were present or knowledgeable of the event.

6. The event was exclusive to only specific organizations.

7. The event in question was exclusive to those on a specific guest list or wrist banded in order to create exclusivity.

8. The event was a traditional celebration (e.g. Big/Little Night).


Section 5 - Open Events

Open chapter events, those with unrestricted access, where the consumption of alcohol is to take place are strictly prohibited.


Section 6 - Monitoring

Every chapter event that may involve alcohol shall have sober monitors. There shall be at least one sober monitor for every fifty persons attending the event. The monitors shall be initiated members, a portion of which shall be twenty-one years of age or older.


Section 7 - Common Sources of Alcohol

There shall be no common source of alcohol permitted at any chapter event. This includes, but is not limited to kegs, party balls, pitchers, and cases.


Section 8 - Disclaimer

This policy is a minimum standard of the member fraternities of the Interfraternity Council at Ohio University. Any member fraternity who has a risk management policy that goes beyond the precepts of this policy shall be expected to hold to that higher standard.



Section 1 - Standard

No chapter shall conduct any activities that may be construed as hazing.


Section 2 Definition

The Student Code of Conduct defines hazing as a Code A Offense as stipulated under Section 6, Mental or Bodily Harm. Section 6:  Mental or Bodily Harm - (a) intentionally inflicting mental or bodily harm upon any person; (b) taking any action for the purpose of inflicting any bodily harm; (c) taking any reckless, but not accidental, action from which mental or bodily harm could result to any person; (d) causing a person to believe that the offender may cause mental or bodily harm; (e) hazing. Violation of Code A Offenses may result in sanctions of suspension or expulsion of the individual or organization from the University.



Section 1 - IFC Officers

It is the responsibility of the officers to attend all meetings. Failure to attend two (2) meetings in a quarter will result in an open discussion under New Business with the body to determine the status of the officer in question. If an officer does miss a meeting, it is his responsibility to have his report given by another officer, as well as providing an academic excuse to the Executive Board.


Section 2 - IFC Chapter Delegates

Attendance is mandatory at regularly scheduled IFC delegate meetings. Failure of a chapter representative to have attended eight (8) of the last ten (10) meetings shall result in that chapter losing voting privileges. When the stipulation mentioned above is met, that chapter shall regain voting privileges immediately. A chapter missing more than two delegate meetings in a row shall be automatically and immediately sent to the IFC Judicial Board, wherein a proper sanction shall be issued. That sanction will be determined by the Board, with any possible tie being broken by the Executive Vice President.


Section 3 - New/Associate Members

All new/associate members of each fraternity shall be required to attend the New Member Conference held by IFC and Greek Community Council in the quarter during or following the quarter they pledged/associated. A penalty of $15.00 shall be imposed on each respective fraternity per new/associate member who misses the New Member Conference.



Section 1 - Standard

Sexually abusive behavior on the part of any fraternity or any of its members, whether physical, mental or emotional, shall not be tolerated.


Section 2 - Inclusions

This is to include any actions which are demeaning to others including, but not limited to, date rape, gang rape, and verbal or written harassment.



Section 1 - Amount

The Interfraternity Council shall receive from each recognized member fraternity an allotment of $10.50 per initiated member and $20.50 per new member every quarter.

A. The Executive Board is required to provide a bill to its member chapters that discloses the total amount owed to IFC by its member chapters by the second week of each quarter.

B. Each chapter is required to pay this total by the week 5 Delegate Council Meeting.

C. Late payment

1. Failure to pay on time will result in a penalty equal to 12.5% of the chapter in question’s total IFC bill.

2. In order to avoid a fine for late payment the following steps must be taken

a. Along with the reason for late payment, a copy of the chapter’s budget must be turned in to the Campus Greek Advisor.

b. The Campus Greek Advisor and VP Administration and Finance will determine whether the chapter’s excuse for late payment is reasonable.

D. Reasonable Late Payment Excuses

1. Late payment excuses are only reasonable if the circumstances causing the chapter in question to be unable to pay dues on time developed due to unforeseeable events.

2. If the excuse or reason for late payment submitted to the Campus Greek Advisor and VP of Administration and Finance is unreasonable, the chapter in question will be required to pay the dues allotment in full by week 6 or face the 12.5% fine.

E. Budget

1. The IFC Executive Board will develop a budget that will be passed out to the delegation by week 3 of the quarter.

2. The budget will be developed by the President, Executive Vice President and VP of Administration and Finance.

a. Budget must be approved by a 2/3 vote of the delegates.

b. Budget must be signed by President and VP Administration and Finance.

3. If IFC does not submit the budget by week 5, the chapters may withhold dues payment until one week after the budget is finally submitted.

F. The Executive Board will hereby be required to provide a budget estimate of the Council’s expenditures for the current quarter to the delegation by the IFC meeting in the second week of the academic quarter.

1. The budget will explain the items and events on which each Executive Officer of the Interfraternity Council expects to spend money during the quarter.

2. The budget will be finalized by the VP Administration and Finance.


Section 2 - Roster

Each chapter shall turn in an accurate, up-to-date list of all chapter members’ names, PID, years, campus addresses, and phone numbers; a list of the same information for all pledges and associates of each chapter shall also be submitted. The date of submission shall be announced by the IFC exec. If a fraternity roster is turned in greater than seven days late, the fine mentioned in Art VII, Section 1 shall be imposed.


Section 3 - Carry-over

At the conclusion of any given academic quarter, any excess funds shall be placed in a savings line-item account in the budget.



Section 1 - System

The IFC All-Sports Competition shall be a three-tier system for awarding point values and places to IFC athletic events. It is expected that each fraternity will take it upon themselves to organize their own teams. This points system is designed to keep track of the different sports that each fraternity competes in throughout the year. At the end of the year the team who receives the most points will be awarded the IFC sports trophy and be considered the Ohio University Fraternal Champion. The winning fraternity will be allowed to keep the trophy for the upcoming year, and then be required to return the trophy to the Interfraternity Council one week prior to the end of the academic year.


Section 2 - Three-tier system

A. Participation points will be given to a team that shows up and competes at the given time of the game, regardless of outcome. Points will differ whether the Competitive or non-Competitive league is chosen. 

B. Sportsmanship points will be given to a team depending on the letter grade given by officials/judges of that sport. A is 4; B is 3; and so on, until F leads to -1 points.

C. Performance points will be awarded to a team who wins or ties in their given game/match. Points will differ whether the Competitive or non-Competitive league is chosen. The team will be required to report their results at the weekly IFC meetings. If a team is forced to forfeit (due to a no-show) all the points they can receive are the Participation points. 


Section 3 – Participation

In order to participate, each quarter, each chapter must sign-up and register through IFC. This can be on-line and found at The VP Athletics will keep track of points during the quarter of only those properly registered with Intramurals and IFC. Only chapter member actives will be allowed to make up said team. It is determined by the VP Athletics to check rosters prior to addition of said team’s points accumulated.

A. If a chapter turns in a roster and shows up for an event, the following chart is how points will tabulated.








Non Competitive






               4 thru -1

4 thru -1












Section 5 Rules

A. Each athletic event is also an intramural event.

B. All games in each sport shall be governed by the same rules as intramural events.

C. Any club sport player can participate in any event, as long as they are a member of that chapter.

D. Any varsity athlete can participate in an IFC sport other than the sport they currently participate in for the University. This is restricted by the varsity athlete’s insurance agreement with the University.

E. Persons may not participate in an IFC event if they are not an IFC member. Only members of a certain chapter may participate for that chapter.


Section 6 - Sportsmanship

A. If a member of a chapter exudes some type of bad sportsmanship in an IFC event, that person(s) shall be reprimanded according to the extent of the display.

B. Bad sportsmanship includes, but is not limited to:

1. Excessive foul language used at an official

2. Physical violence towards an official

3. Fighting

4. Excessive foul language towards a member(s) of another team

5. Any other conduct the IFC VP Athletics deems improper

C. Reprimands include, but are not limited to:

1. Suspension from IFC sports for that quarter

2. A fine of $25.00 for each infraction (if two disciplinary technical fouls, then a fine of $50.00 will result) payable within four (4) weeks to IFC

3. Suspension from all IFC sports for the year

4. If two (2) or more members are involved, the chapter shall receive a $50.00 fine, payable within four (4) weeks to IFC

5. Executive appointed reprimands not included in this list. The IFC executive members are thus entrusted with the power to create a remedy to the situation if a reasonable solution does not come from the IFC VP Athletics ruling.

D. The IFC VP Athletics has the authority to make the decisions, in terms of sportsmanship, that he sees fit and that are in the best interest of IFC and the entire Greek community.



Section 1 - Recruitment

Recruitment will be held the fourth (4th) calendar week of each quarter. This, however, may be changed at the request of an executive officer or chapter delegate, and subsequently voted on by the delegation. Changes will only be considered if the request is due to uncontrollable circumstances (i.e. Homecoming, national holiday, religious holiday, etc.)


Section 2 - Alcohol

No alcohol will be served, consumed, or purchased for a potential member by any chapter member during a recruitment event. This includes both public and private functions. No alcohol will be consumed or purchased for any recruitment event by either a potential member or active brother.


Section 3 - Regulations

All University, Residence Life, Federal, State, and Athens County laws as well as Interfraternity Council rules and regulations shall be adhered to during rush and recruitment events.


Section 4 - Formal Recruitment Times

On the first (1) night of formal recruitment, potential members can only be in chapter houses or designated recruitment area during the designated hours for house tours. Formal recruitment times may be changed or altered if deemed necessary by the Interfraternity Council.


Section 5 - Informal Recruitment Times

During the set week of informal recruitment, potential members can only be in chapter houses or designated recruitment areas between the hours of 10am and 9pm. After 9pm no contact can be made between a potential member and active brother, with the exception of extending invitations. Exceptions will be made for classes and living arrangements.


Section 6 - Invitations

Invitations are to be delivered by no more than two (2) active members of the fraternity chapter. Each member will wear block letters when he is presenting invitations to the potential member in a residence hall. The active member may not be allowed in the residence hall after 11pm. Potential members may not be invited to any other function that is not sanctioned by the Interfraternity Council.


Section 7 - Locations

All recruitment activities are to be held at the chapter house. If any chapter does not have a chapter house or the house is located in an inconvenient area, then the chapter can reserve rooms in Baker University Center, Grover Center, Galbreath Chapel, or Bentley Hall. All rooms reserved must meet the approval of the Interfraternity Council or the IFC VP Recruitment.


Section 8 - Bids

No bids may be extended by any IFC member chapter from the beginning of each quarter up to 6:00pm the last night (Bid-Night) of Recruitment Week. At this point bids may be extended until the end of the academic quarter. A chapter cannot indicate to a potential member that he will be receiving a bid, until Bid-Night at the designated time.


All new members accepting a bid from any IFC recognized chapter is required to submit a signed bid statement to IFC. This statement will be distributed by IFC before recruitment begins. The signed bids must be returned to IFC before the next council meeting.


Section 9 - Advertising

There will be no advertising allowed in any local newspaper, Facebook, MySpace, or any other internet based site during recruitment by any IFC member chapter. IFC will advertise in newspapers and other medias for the entire IFC community. IFC member chapters are encouraged to advertise using other methods including, but not limited, to: fliers, banners, invitations, etc.


Section 10 - Graffiti Wall

Fraternities may not paint the graffiti wall on Richland Ave. from the beginning of the quarter until after the last day of recruitment (Bid-night) at 12 (midnight). The beginning of the quarter will be defined as the day the residence halls open.


Section 11 - Belittling

No fraternity shall belittle, hamper, or degrade any other fraternity or group of people in their recruitment process and functions.


Section 12 - Social Events

Socials with sororities or other organizations will be prohibited during the scheduled week of recruitment, excluding the day that bids are given out.


Section 13 - Enforcement

Failure to comply with any of these rules will result in disciplinary action by the IFC Judicial Board and if any necessary, referral to the Office of University Judiciaries.


Section 14 - Dirty Rushing

Dirty Rushing can be categorized by, but not strictly limited to, the following:

1. Publicly denouncing another fraternity

2. Encouraging potential new members from not going through formal recruitment

3. Encouraging potential new members to sign a bid car prior to the official bid day set by the IFC of Ohio University


Section 15 - Procedure for Recruitment Violations

The complaining party submits a signed, written report containing the following:

1. The name of the accused individual/fraternity

2. Date of the alleged incident

3. A detailed description of the alleged incident

4. The name of the student, faculty, administrator, community member, resident, or fraternity/sorority chapter initiating the complaint

5. Citing of what rules of the IFC Constitution and By-laws or Ohio University regulations alleged to be violated

6. The written report is due to the Greek Governing Suite in Baker University Center 330 C/O the VP Recruitment, within 24 hours of the incident.



Section 1 – Responsibilities

All Fraternities are required to perform a minimum of one (1) hour of community service for each active member. This one hour may not constitute in affect as a philanthropy event nor Greek Week / Homecoming programming events.


Section 2 – Hours Submission

Final hours must be submitted to the VP Community Service by the 4th Friday of each new quarter.


Section 3 – Fines

A fine of five (5) dollars per hour missed will be administered for missing hours.



Section 1 - Responsibility and Purpose

The Judicial Board shall have the responsibility to determine whether there have been violations of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Interfraternity Council, which also include Ohio University policy. The purpose of the Board is to serve as a fair, impartial, and consistent organization that offers Interfraternity Council members a system of both self-governance and a means of education.


Section 2 - Jurisdiction

The Judicial Board has jurisdiction over all member fraternities to enforce IFC policies, support Ohio University rules and regulations, and to maintain appropriate standards of conduct. Instances of alleged misconduct may result in referral of the fraternity to the Office of University Judiciaries for disciplinary action.


Section 3 - Composition and Duties

A. The Judicial Board shall consist of the following members, appointed by the IFC Executive members:

1. Executive Vice President of IFC

2. One representative from each Chapter, that Representative being the presiding officer of each chapter’s judicial/conduct committee or a duly appointed member of the chapter’s executive council.

3. IFC Graduate Advisor

4. Campus Greek Advisor

5. Executive Vice President of WPA

6. The following members shall be appointed as alternates:

a. One (1) member from the IFC executive officers that is not the IFC President and is not a member of the same fraternity as the Executive VP of IFC

b. One (1) member from the WPA executive officers that is not the WPA President and is not a member of the same sorority as the Executive VP of WPA

c. One (1) member from each chapter that is not the President of said chapter, but who must be another member of that chapter’s Executive Committee

B. The duties of the Judicial Board members shall be as follows:

1. Executive VP of IFC

a. Preside over all meetings and hearings

b. Review cases with the Campus Greek Advisor prior to the hearing to ascertain jurisdiction and validity

c. Keep confidential all matters relating to the judicial proceedings with the exception of imposed sanctions

d. Coordinate and educate the Judicial Board

e. Serve as spokesman for the Judicial Board

f. Write Judicial Board minutes

g. Approve and file Judicial Board minutes

h. Announce final rulings

i. Insure the completion of all sanctions

j. Represent the Judicial Board at judicial appeals before the IFC

Executive Board.

k. Serve as official liaison between the Office of University Judiciaries and the IFC

l. Participate in the education program designed for the Ohio University Judicial Hearing Board members

m. Consult with Ohio University Director of Judiciaries with regards to sanctions when an IFC-member chapter has been brought up on charges

2. The members defined in Sect. 3-A2 through A5 above:

a. Hear and decide all cases brought before the Judicial Board. Attend all functions associated or sponsored by the Judicial Board.

b. Keep confidential all materials relating to the judicial proceedings

c. Perform any other tasks as agreed by the Judicial Board which will enhance its performance as a viable body

3. The alternates defined in Sect. 3-A6 above:

a. Alternates a. and b. in the aforementioned section shall perform the functions identified in Sect. 3-B2, above, in the absence of the Executive Vice President of IFC and WPA, respectively.

b. Alternates provided for in Section c. shall perform the duties outlined in Sect. 3-B2, in the absence of their Chapters delegate as outlined in Sect. 3-A2


Section 4 - Quorum

Quorum shall be constituted by the presence of all four executive members those being members 1,3,4 and 5 as outlined in section 3-A, and 2/3 of those members provided for in Section 3-A2


Section 5 - Procedure

A. The complaining party submits a signed, written report containing the following:

1. Name of the accused fraternity

2. Date of the alleged incident

3. A detailed description of the alleged incident

4. The name of the student, faculty, administrator, community resident, or fraternity/sorority chapter initiating the complaint

a. It is up to the Executive Vice President and the person filling out the report to decide if the name is applicable in a case by case affair.

5. Citing of what rules of the Constitution and By-Laws of IFC or Ohio University regulations alleged to be violated

B. Upon reviewing the complaint/charges, the Executive VP of IFC and the Campus Greek Advisor retain the right to:

1. Dismiss the case at that point

2. Refer the matter to the appropriate chapter for internal action

3. Refer the case to the IFC Judicial Board

4. Refer the case to the Office of University Judiciaries for disciplinary action

5. Refer the matter to the respective chapter’s inter/national headquarters office

6. Refer the case for IFC mediation

C. The IFC Judicial Board shall hear the case in a timely manner upon receipt of the complaint. The Judicial Board shall determine a feasible date and time for a hearing.

D. Notice of the hearing will be given to all parties involved within seven (7) working days of date/time decision. A letter/email notifying them of the complaint will be sent to the accused party. This letter/email shall provide the accused with the evidence to be used and the charges against them and provide appropriate time to prepare a defense. The letter/email shall also include the date, time and location the hearing will take place, the rules violated, the members of the Judicial Board, and the signatures of the officials identified in Sect. 5-B. A copy of the letter will be sent to the complainant.

E. The accused may not avoid the requirement of a hearing by avoiding notice. The hearing may be held in the absence of the accused if proper notice is provided.

F. The Judicial Board shall reserve the right to determine whether to proceed with a case no matter how much time has elapsed since the complaint.

G. Upon receipt of the letter of complaint, the accused fraternity shall submit a signed plea of guilty or not-guilty

H. If a plea of guilty is taken, the guilty party shall report to the IFC Executive members for the imposition of a sanction. The guilty party has the opportunity to request a feasible sanction.

I. If a plea of not-guilty is taken, a hearing shall take place as scheduled.

J. If the defending fraternity fails to respond or provide a plea, a plea of not-guilty will be entered and the fraternity will be charged and a hearing will take place.

K. At this time the Executive VP of IFC will also notify, in writing, the accused fraternity’s advisor as well as inter/national headquarters of charges that are being brought against the fraternity.


Section 6 - Hearings

A. All hearings are closed. No legal aid will be permitted at the hearing.

B. All proceedings shall be audio recorded for official documentation.

C. Each party shall consist of no more than eight members: the fraternity president, another officer of the chapter, the chapter advisor or advocate not trained in law, and up to five witnesses. The Judicial Board reserves the right to request specific witnesses.

D. Prior to hearing proceedings, involved parties have the opportunity to challenge a Judicial Board member’s ability to perform objectively. The Judicial Board shall deliberate in private and determine, by majority vote (excluding the member being challenged), whether the member should be replaced by an alternate Board member.

E. The presiding officer, Executive VP of IFC, or a selected alternate, shall read the following statement of policy: “The procedure for this hearing is not intended to be conducted like a court of law. The Judicial Board is to serve as the investigative body to determine the degree of innocence or guilt and to levy a penalty consistent with the violations.” He will remind all individuals that only the truth will be tolerated.

1. The Executive VP reads the complaint for both parties.

2. The plaintiff will present his party’s case and call witnesses to testify on his party’s behalf. NOTE: The Judicial Board reserves the right to limit the number of witnesses. The defendant will be permitted to hear the entire argument and will be permitted to cross examine the plaintiff or his party. The Judicial Board reserves the right to ask questions as they deem necessary. Witnesses will be called individually and will be dismissed immediately following his/her testimony.

*The evidence shall be presented in the following order:

(1) Cite specific article and section of the Constitution and By-laws of IFC or OU Code of Conduct that have been violated.

                         (2) Quote the section(s) which has been violated.

(3) State the acts of the accused that constitute the alleged violations and relate them to the violation stated above.

(4) Introduce any witnesses, or submit any written statement, that pertain to the charges.

3. The defendant will present his party’s case and call witnesses to testify. NOTE:

The Judicial Board reserves the right to limit the number of witnesses. At this time, the defendant may address any issues or questions that arise regarding the plaintiff’s case and testimony. The Judicial Board reserves the right to ask questions as they deem necessary. Witnesses will be called individually and will be dismissed immediately following his/her testimony.

4. In the event any person, including the fraternity charged and/or their advisor, shall disrupt the hearings, the Executive VP of IFC shall dismiss that person and proceed with the hearing in his absence.

F. The information is discussed by the Judicial Board in a private hearing, and a vote is taken to decide guilt or innocence and the penalty to be imposed. All decisions will be arrived at by a majority vote based on a preponderance of evidence (evidence a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion).

1. Every member of the Judicial Board will vote without abstentions.

2. Any decision of the Judicial Board shall be arrived at by a majority vote.

3. No recommendation for the imposition of sanctions shall be based solely upon the failure of the fraternity charged to answer the charge. In the event of the refusal of the accused fraternity to appear at the hearing, the evidence in support of the charges shall be considered.

G. Within a reasonable period of time, the Executive VP of IFC shall make a written report of the hearing consisting of the following:

1. The notice of charges and other hearing documents.

2. A summary of the evidence presented.

3. The findings of the Judicial Board.

4. The sanction(s) with specific times for when they are to be completed.


Section 7 - Appeals

A. Either party may appeal a decision of the Judicial Board to the IFC Appeals Board

B. The IFC Appeals Board shall consist of the following members:

1. Campus Greek Advisor

2. IFC President

3. WPA President

C. Grounds for appeal may consist of, but are not limited, to:

1. Denial, to either party, of the time necessary to present all pertinent evidence

2. Bias by the hearing body

3. Violation of the procedures of the IFC Constitution and By-laws or the OU Student Code of Conduct.

4. Severity of sanction(s)

5. The presentation of new evidence.

D. Within three (3) days of the notifications of the original decision, either party may make a written request of appeal to the President and Executive VP of IFC. They shall then present the appeal to the IFC Executive members to determine whether the ruling should stand or to re-try the case.

E. Within three (3) days, notice of the appeal will be given to the opposing party and to the members of the IFC Appeals Board. The IFC Appeals Board shall set the date, time, and place for an appellate hearing. The IFC Appeals Board shall then give notice to the complainant and the charged party of the hearing date, time, and place.


Section 8 - Mediation

A. Mediations shall occur in, but are not limited to, the following instances:

1. Unsportsmanlike conduct

2. Cases of one individual versus another individual

B. If an alleged violation is referred for mediation by IFC as stated in Sect. 5-B6, the following shall occur:

1. The Interfraternity Executive Board shall assemble and determine a feasible date, time, and place to hold a private mediation between the accuser(s) and the fraternity in which the case has been brought against.

2. A letter shall be drafted and sent by IFC Executive Board to both of the parties.  This letter shall include the date, time, and location of the mediations as well as a description of the alleged incident and those people the IFC executive members have determined to be involved. People stated in the letter will be required to attend. No other person shall be allowed into the mediation.

3. At the time of the mediation, the Executive VP of IFC shall act as a mediator, working with both parties to resolve the conflict.

4. Upon completion of a successful mediation, the parties shall jointly determine a resolution or penalty.

5. Upon an unsuccessful mediation, the case shall automatically be referred to the Judicial Board.

C. If a party does not attend the mediation; the case shall be turned over to the Judicial Board for proceedings.


Section 9 - Conflict of Interest

Conflict of interest is defined as:

A. A Judicial Board or Appeals Board member’s chapter is either the accused or the prosecuting fraternity.

B. A Judicial Board or Appeals Board member is involved in the incident.

C. When the Judicial Board determines the challenge of a Board member by one of the fraternities involved is valid.


Section 10 - Notification

Upon completion of the hearing process, or appeal if applicable, the Executive VP of IFC shall notify, in writing, the following people of the final decision:

1. Complainant and advisor

2. Defendant and advisor

3. IFC President

4. Campus Greek Advisor

5. VP for Student Affairs

6. Dean of Students

7. Director of Campus Life

8. Chair of the Greek Life Committee

9. Director of University Judiciaries

10. Defendant’s inter/national headquarters


Section 11 - Vacancies

Any Judicial Board member vacancy shall be filled by someone appointed by the IFC executive members, fitting the criteria in Sect. 3-A.


Section 12 - Removal from Judicial Board

A. Any Judicial Board member may be removed from office by a 2/3 vote of the

IFC Executive Board for non-performance of duties

B. Any IFC delegate may initiate the removal procedure which includes the following steps:

1. Written notice of the motion to impeach must be presented to the IFC executive members

2. The IFC executive members shall notify the member in question in written form at least two weeks prior to vote

C. The Judicial Board member in question may present a case to the IFC Executive Board to challenge the removal, which will be taken into consideration.


Section 13 - Charges of the Judicial Board

A. Violation of the OU Student Code of Conduct

B. Violation of the Constitution and By-Laws of IFC

C. Violation of IFC Recruitment regulations and policies

D. Unsportsmanlike conduct during intramural or Interfraternity competitions

E. Damages resulting to any property owned/rented/leased or occupied by any member chapter.

F. Action detrimental to the best interest of the Greek community

G. Any action undertaken which has been referred to the Judicial Board by the Campus Greek Advisor or other Ohio University administrator.




Section 1 – GAMMA

GAMMA or Greeks Advocating Mature Management of Alcohol is a Risk Prevention program in Greek Life. As being part of a Greek organization on campus, IFC requires each chapter to have a risk manager. This person accesses risk on a daily basis from advising smart alcohol related decisions during social periods to their chapter to being a member of GAMMA.


Section 2 – Meetings / Fines

As the risk manager, you are required to attend all GAMMA meetings. These meetings happen no more than five times a quarter and will carry a $25 fine for not attending. At the meetings, you will hear about certain types of risk management programs happening throughout campus and After Hours.


Section 3 – After Hours

After Hours is a pairing system where every Friday night from 10-2, GAMMA requires a fraternity and sorority to attend and pass out free food to intoxicated people. Each chapter that signs up to attend should send at least fifteen sober chapter actives.




Section 1 - Process

These By-Laws may be amended by a one-half (1/2) plus one (+1) of the entire IFC, provided that the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing at least one (1) week before the vote is taken, and notice of such intended action is given to each fraternity.


Section 1 - Award

In order to increase awareness and reward member fraternities for excellence in scholastics, the IFC shall set up an IFC Scholarship Award.

A. Ten dollars ($10.00) shall be given by each member fraternity.

B. Monetary awards shall be given to the chapter with the highest GPA, and the chapter with the most improved GPA.

C. One-half (1/2) of the total amount collected per quarter shall be rewarded to each member fraternity winning the awards.



Section 1 - Composite Stealing

In order to improve cooperation between the Greek community and the University authorities, the tradition of composite “stealing” shall hereby cease.


Section 2 - Homecoming

Homecoming pairing methods and dates shall be decided by the WPA, IFC and NPHC

Programming VPs and shall be announced at their respective council meetings, as well as at the conclusion of Greek Week and Homecoming respectively.

(The preceding has been reviewed and revised by the IFC Executive Board on May 28th 2007 in efforts to continue to uphold our Greek Communities to the highest standards.)


-        John Fouser (Executive Vice President) - May 27th 2008

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