The Scoop on Sororities
June 21, 2008 at 7:00PM by Devin Tomb | 7 comments

When I tell people I’m in a sorority, I automatically get “that look.” Their eyes roll down and their mouths drop implying, “Oh, you’re one of those girls who pays for your friends and drinks on a Tuesday.” I can honestly say that joining a sorority has been the best decision I’ve made so far in college. I’ve found friends who share in my obsession with weddings and encourage me to try things I never would have that I could do otherwise…like work in NYC for the summer! But there are still so many myths out there that girls don’t realize what an awesome experience they could be missing out on. So, if you’re thinking about rushing in the fall, read my blog each week to hear the top five myths I’ve heard during my time in college, and what my real experience has been!
Week One: Sororities only take “pretty” girls.
If sororities only took “pretty” girls, there would be no point to recruitment. We could save a lot of time and just ask for your picture instead. The point of recruitment is to TALK to you! We want to know what you were involved with in high school. If you were super involved, we hope that one day you’ll take a leadership role within the sorority. We want girls who are diverse and make interesting conversation. What do I look for? (Shh!) If a girl can make me laugh during recruitment I automatically love her, blonde hair or not! And, if you come across a sorority that does base its decision off of looks, those people aren’t worth your time anyway!
the scoop on sororities- week 2
June 28, 2008 at 7:00PM by Devin Tomb | 4 comments

After my first sorority blog last week, most of your comments had to do with hazing. I’ll be honest…I’ve heard the horror stories too. Girls being forced to drink, pledges de-robing in front of guys - don’t think I haven’t heard them all before. C’mon, you know I read “Pledged” too. While I’m sure hazing happens at some colleges, I know it doesn’t happen at all of them. Sororities are just like any other student organization. Like sports teams and other school clubs, there will always be older and younger members, which always creates the possibility of hazing. It’s up to you to find out whether or not the group you want to join hazes. How do you do it? Just ask. They may not come right out and say, “Oh yeah, we haze!” But odds are if they get uncomfortable answering the question, some shady things go on behind closed doors.
Does it happen in my sorority? Well I’m a pretty good person to ask…I’m pledge mom! If I chose to do anything that made girls uncomfortable during their new member period, I would be kicked out of my sorority and possibly my school. There is a very good chance I would also be sued. Not worth it! When I pledged, my pledge mom invited us to football games and dinners with the sorority. It was great to get to know older girls at school because they helped me decide what to major in, how to manage my time, and much more!
Being a new member is actually the most exciting time to be in a sorority because of a little thing we like to call “Big/Little Week.” Girls become “bigs” during their sophomore year, and they choose a little out of the new pledge class. During Big/Little week, a big decorates her little’s dorm room anonymously, gives her candy and presents, and then at the end of the week she reveals herself! The cool thing is that this pattern starts a “family” within each sorority because eventually you will have a little, and then your little will have a little, and so on. It’s pretty much the coolest thing ever.
Remember, you were asked to be part of a sorority because they want to be your friend! If you ever find yourself in a situation that you’re uncomfortable with, tell someone immediately. Nothing is worth hurting yourself over.
the scoop on sororities- week 3
July 5, 2008 at 7:00PM by Devin Tomb | 0 comment

I saved the best for last! The third and final sorority stereotype I’m going to talk about is “girls in sororities pay for their friends.”
I can definitely see where this is coming from. After all, what on earth do we need to pay for?
When I was in high school I had to pay a monthly fee for each dance class I took. Now that I’m in college, I have to pay dues to my sorority. Just like a dance studio, a sorority needs funding to run properly.
Most sororities live in houses, and that’s what a large portion of a member’s dues go toward. Just like you pay “room and board” to cover expenses like electricity and heat in a dorm, a member of a sorority pays to cover these same expenses in a sorority house.
Sororities don’t have houses at my school, so my dues are less expensive. Where does my money go? Well, every sorority has a national headquarters, which oversees every chapter of the sorority in the country. A portion of my money goes to headquarters so they can fund things like our annual convention, sorority pins, and more. If you read my blog last week, you know about “Big/Little Week,” and, just like the prom in high school, sororities have annual dances called formals. The sorority pays for these events as well, which includes a budget for food, decorations and favors. We also need a budget for recruitment, philanthropy events, and all of the little things in between!
Sure, these events are social, but the time it takes to plan them isn’t. I planned two philanthropy events last year and I attend several meetings each week for my position, so I’ve learned a lot when it comes to delegating work and organization…AND I had fun at the end of all of my planning!
I hope this blog series helped you figure out whether or not a sorority is for you. I know they won’t ever be supported by everyone, but I hope you’re willing to give it a try!
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